“The time has come, God’s Kingdom is near! Turn to God from your sins and believe the Good News!”......Mark 1:15 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)...... The reality and inspiration of the Holy Word and beauty of the kingdom of our Mighty God !!

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Saturday, July 7, 2018

A Name Guarantee

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A Name Guarantee

"And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do,
 that the Father may be glorified in the Son."
 John 14:13)

It is not every believer who has yet learned to pray in Christ's name. 
To ask not only for His sake, but in His name, as authorized by Him, is a high order of prayer. 
We would not dare to ask for some things in that blessed name, 
for it would be a wretched profanation of it; 
but when the petition is so clearly right that we dare set the name of Jesus to it, 
then it must be granted.

Prayer is all the more sure to succeed because it is for the Father's glory through the Son. 
It glorifies His truth, His faithfulness, His power, His grace, The granting of prayer,
 when offered in the name of Jesus, reveals the Father's love to Him, 
and the honor which He has put upon Him. 
The glory of Jesus and of the Father are so wrapped up together that the grace which magnifies the one magnifies the other.
 The channel is made famous through the fullness of the fountain, 
and the fountain is honored through the channel by which it flows. 
If the answering of our prayers would dishonor our Lord, we would not pray; 
but since in this thing He is glorified, we will pray without ceasing in that dear name in which God and His people have a fellowship of delight.
I need a big favor to the European union visitors.
 I want to make sure I comply with the European Union Laws.

Some place in the entire blog has to appear a message about cookies used and data collected via my blogs please let me know, if you can see it, according to the Blogger they put it there, but now that I'm doing the blogs from Guatemala City, I have not been able to see it and that is the reason I'm asking for your help. 
Please send me an screenshot if possible.
Please let me know via Email to: mlmightywarrior@gmail.com. 

 I have not find a way to check and this is the only way I can do it. 

Please help me out I want to continue sharing the precious word of God, otherwise if the message those not appear on any of my blogs, I may have to stop publishing.

 I don't want to break any laws of this world,

 I love Jesus and I want to be obedient to all laws of the land. 

I will appreciate very much friends, brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus.
 In his precious Holy Name.

Thank You and God Bless. 
 Blog created February 28, 2017.